Criminal Lawyer

Should You Retain A Criminal Lawyer For Your Arraignment Or Bail Hearing? If you have been arrested, you will likely be faced with an arraignment or bail hearing. Arraignments are typically held within a few days of an arrest, and during this time the prosecutor will decide whether or not to bring charges against you. If charges are filed, your bail hearing will be scheduled. At this point, you may be wondering whether or not to retain a criminal defense lawyer . There are several factors to consider when making this decision. First, it is important to understand that both arraignments and bail hearings are critical stages in the criminal justice process. This means that anything you say or do during these proceedings can impact the outcome of your case. For example, if you choose to represent yourself at an arraignment and make any admissions to the judge, those admissions can be used against you later on down the road. Similarly, if you try to negotiate your own bai...